First Snow Day!

I have been constantlyyy checking the weather app on my phone waiting to see that little snow icon appear on it lol. And it finally happened! When the day finally came it was rainy and cold. It was not expected to snow till around 9 or 10 pm. So through out the evening I kept getting up and looking out the window anxiously awaiting the arrival of those beautiful white flakes to fall from the sky. I even kept refreshing my weather app waiting for it to say that it’s snowing. And then I saw it. I rushed to put my jacket and shoes on and quickly told everyone inside. So by the time you knew it, we were all outside taking pictures, recording, and FaceTimeing everyone. I was so excited!! I loved the snow last year. And not just the snow but snow falling. So to see it when it first began to fall made me so happy. And let me tell you- it was absolutely beautiful! Maybe because I grew up in a place where it never snows but I think snow fall is just so magical! 

The next morning, the sun was just beginning to come up and it was still slightly dark.  I looked out the window and there was snow everywhere- about six inches! All the snow was reflecting the small amount of light that was shining so it looked pretty and bright outside. It was so gorgeous. And it looks beautiful when it is untouched, so I’m glad I saw it early in the morning. 

The Diaz’s, CeCe (our Boston Terrier) and I went out and had fun in the snow.  It was CeCe’s first time experiencing snow and I think she liked it. We took lots of pictures! I love walking through the the snow. It’s so soft and fluffy and its makes a nice crunchy sound lol. 

We were able to enjoy the snow for a couple of days but then because we do still live in the south, all the snow melted away. It went from freezing and snowing on Friday to 60 degrees on Monday- which is the perfect temperature for a sunny day if you ask me! 

Here are some pictures from our first snow day, enjoy!  




Ready For Kids?

I’ve always wanted to be a mom and I’ve always loved kids, even since I was a little girl. I think that’s why I always wanted to be an elementary teacher too. It’s so weird but as a teenager, I just couldn’t wait to grow up, get married and have kids! But I think it’s a God given instinct in women.

 Since my husband and I got married, we knew we wanted kids. Till this day I get excited thinking about the day we will have kids, but I knew from the day we got married we needed to wait it out a couple of years. 

Its funny how we can have plans for our life and then God steps in with His plans. I envisioned the plans for my life like this:

Get married, graduate from college, work as a teacher for one year, become Door Directors, have a baby, THEN get sent out to pioneer a church. 

Lol! As you can see, life hasn’t gone according to my own plans. They’ve gone through BETTER plans – God’s. 

So I may never get a degree or work as a school teacher, but one thing I know is that I’m called to be a godly woman, wife and hopefully soon, a godly mother. 

Isaiah 55:8-9 (KJV)8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

 P.S. We’ve been getting some practice in with these kids!  

Blog One

  Currently my only form of walking is with the help of crutches. Not fun. I sprained my ankle this past Sunday. I was wearing heels and lost my balance off the edge of a sidewalk. I had a beautiful white ceramic coffee mug that was a gift from my sister and as I began to fall, I first of all screamed, and then let go of what I had in my hands-the coffe cup. It shattered on the sidewalk, *tear*, and I sat on the grass trying not to cry lol. It was so embarrassing! I thought I was fine at first. I walked up all three flights of stairs to our apartment and then the pain hit me and it just got worse and worse. Thankfully I have an amazing husband who quickly iced my foot and did everything he could to make me feel better😊 It’s been three days since then and I am so ready for it to heal already! I hate not being able to go outside. Which I can but going back in up 3 flights of stairs using crutches is not as easy as it sounds. Especially for someone as unathletic as I am! Anyhow, it is feeling better and better each day and I can’t wait to be able to walk without the crutches. Help pray for a speedy recovery!